Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ways to make money in Pottery

Pottery: Ways to make lots of money!

Pottery is a very addictive game that is all about, well, you guessed it, making pottery. In this guide, I will give you some good tips on making lots of money. Enjoy! :)
Strategy 1: Make your pot bumpy and big;
I noticed that when you just have a plain old piece of pottery like this:

You make about this much money:

But when you make the same height pottery like this/amplified:

You make this much money:

Strategy 2: Add colour;

Something else I noticed is that noticed in this game is that Adding colour to a piece of pottery will give you way more money. Without color:
With color:

I replicated size and shape as well as I could for the best experimentation results.

Strategy 3: Last African pattern;
The last thing I noticed that made me a lot of money was the last African pattern that you can purchase in the store for 400.
Here is a comparison of with the pattern and without it. Without: With:

As you can see, this pattern makes a huge difference in how much money you will get from your pottery.
Strategy 5: A combination;
And finally, when you combine them all:

Thanks for reading this article and check out some of the others! :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Zombie Trailer Park Guide

Zombie Trailer Park is a very fun game, but without the correct tactics, you can die within a minute. That's why I will tell you a good way to win. I'll explain to you the strategy that works on every stage. Lets begin!

A good strategy is to buy as many salvage yards as possible, ( they get you more money ) and when the zombies get too close to your base deploy some shovel men.

Max out the number of salvage yards you can get because they are the key to winning. Whenever you feel that the zombies get too close to you trailer immediately deploy some shovel men. 

Once you have maxed out your amount of salvage yards, make some trailers until you can't make anymore. Remember to keep deploying a couple of shovel men ever once in a while to stem the flow of the zombies.

This picture shows a later stage in the game where the yee-haw powers show up. the yee-haw powers are the three icons above the salvage yard that are just super powers. To activate them you must have enough yee-haw points which are the points right next to the amount of cash you have. To use a yee-haw superpower, simply tap one of the yee-haw icons. I recommend to use the 4000 yee-haw point icon whenever you have enough yee-haw points. You should use yee-haw powers often to end the round quickly because the zombies get harder and harder as the round goes on.

The other icons besides the salvage yard, trailer, and yee-haw powers, are icons that enable you to use much much stronger units than shovel men including:

 The Angry Farmer, he shoots from a range.

 The Survivalist, a car that has a mounted machine gun on it.

The Moonshine Bomber, a man that throws long-range bombs made of moonshine alcohol.

And finally, the Preacher, the best unit in the entire game, he makes enemies turn against their own men, in a sticky situation, say the enemy sends a very strong unit at you, deploy one of these and the enemies unit will be yours.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Clash of Clans Attack Strategy

Giants and Archers Attack Strategy

Giants are good at taking fire. Archers are good at taking out defenses but they don't have very high HP. This strategy uses Giants to shield the archers. The Giants keep the defenses busy while the Archers give extra fire power to take them out.

I start off with a good size arsenal of troops, pictured below.

Look for a good entry point into the camp where gold or exlixir are close to the outside walls. In the screen shot below I am going for elixir. Then look for key defenses you need to elimiate. In this case, I want to eliminate the archer tower as soon as possible so I am using a lightning spell to weaken the archer tower. I use the lightning spell first to weaken the defense before it has any chance to weaken my troops.

After that I deploy are my giants at once. I find that 10 giants and 2 healers is a good combination to last to the end of the round, allowing me to use the remaining troops to grab treasure. Giants go for the closest defenses but sometimes they split up. In this case most of giants appear headed for the archer tower while a few look like they are going for the wizard tower. I don't deploy my healer right away because I want the giants to take out the air defense first.

At this point, I use my healing spell (gold flask) to keep the giants healthy while they are working on the wall. I know they will be there for a few seconds and there will be other troops on the way so it's an efficient use of the healing spell. In the screen shot below the giants are white as the healing spell builds up there health.

The healing spell only lasts a few seconds so it's important to get those giants through the wall before it wears off. Taking out defenses fast is the key to winning the round. I have 5 wall breakers so I send in 3 to make sure I punch a hole in wall, see blue circle below. I send it 3 instead of 1 because 1 wall breaker might get picked off by an archer or mortar. The presence of giants draws fire away from the wall breakers and the healer spell helps them too but you don't want to take any chances.

Unfortunately you can't control wall breakers very well. These three veered off to the left instead of going in directly behind the giants as I intended. Such is life in the world of clans. As it turns out, my giants ended up punching a hole through the wall at the same time as the wall breakers. The giants quickly eliminated the archer tower because it was weakened by the lightning spell. It doesn't take them long to eliminate the air defense so as soon as they reach air defense I launch my 2 healers behind them, see below.

Depending on the situation, you may want to let the giants do a bit of work here. The more defenses they clear out, the less your other attackers will be at risk. But if you let the giants go to town you don't want the healers to get taken out so you want to use other troops to avoid this. In this case I'm concerned the wizard tower may take out the healers so I send in some barbarians to distract the wizard tower and hopefully take it out, see below.

Unfortunately, my first wave of barbarians didn't succeed in taking out the archer tower to I kind of panicked and deployed my only dragon, see below. Not sure the was a brilliant idea because archer towers can kill dragons so I'm hoping my dragon will take it out first.

At this point, it's time to send in all you troops to overwhelm the opponent. I sent in a wave of archers. My dragon took some serious damage from the archer tower and the other air defense but at least the dragon is taking out the canon. I may have waited too long for the archers in this attack, fingers crossed.

The last thing you want to send in is your goblins. They don't have a lot of health but they are good at moving fast and getting gold and elixir. So you want to wait for the opponents defenses to be severely weakened. In the screen shot below you can see that they went for elixir collectors at the top of the screen. I wanted them to go for the elixir storage but I didn't punch a hole through the wall so the goblins went for easier targets.

All-in-all this was not a very successful attack but they say you learn as much from failure as from success.

Suggestions? Share a comment...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Star Warfare: Alien Invasion Strategies


Star Warfare: Alien Invasion is a very fun and addictive game. its also pretty straightforward on how to play and on what to do. Since it is very straightforward on how to play and what to do, I’ll just give you some strategies.

Strategy #1: Moving While Shooting:

This strategy is basically, well, the title. This is how you do it ( if the title didn’t make it obvious enough).

Simply move your left joystick left to right while aiming and shooting with your right joystick.

Chances are that the other player will be doing this too so make sure you get good at aiming while moving, now it will be much easier to kill people and get cash.

Strategy #2: Mithril Farming:

When you are on the home-screen, there is a button that says: more game. Tap that then tap the first button on the window that pops up. It will bring you to something that looks like this, and don’t worry, it isn’t some false scam (as it may seem):

Tap one of the apps and download and launch it. I recommend that you stay on the app about 5 seconds because if you just stay on it for half a second it usually does not give you the mithril. Once you have stayed on the app for five seconds, go back to the Star Warfare and it will give you the mithril. Then you can delete the app.

Strategy #3: Boss and Alien Fighting Tactics:

This is probably one of the most important things to know about this game. It is similar to the first one, “Simply move your left joystick left to right while aiming and shooting with your right joystick” but without moving back and forth, you should just go in a circle around the map when doing this. It works on all this:

Mantis Boss:

Poison Pit:

Siegfried: (Still pronounce it seige-fried don’t know why)

Double Rages:

And finally, Serpent:

It also works for all of the alien killing stages.

Thanks for reading this article. Check out the other articles too!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Clash of Clans Guide

So you’ve decided you want to play Clash of Clans... Let me guide you through the game and give you some good tips and tricks. I hope you have fun playing this game! :)

To start, there will be a woman to give you some basic instructions. Follow them.  After your base should look like this:

Now you should do one upgrade for your gold mine and elixir collector by tapping them, then tapping upgrade, this big button at the bottom of the screen:

Tip: If you do not have enough money for something just wait until your gold mines and elixir collectors have made enough money for it. Wait for your mines to finish upgrading and do not spend gems to speed the building process up. While your mines are being upgraded, configure your base to make it look like this:

Your mines will be done soon so while waiting, tap the barracks (the small red hut with two swords on top) and hold your finger down on this button until on the top left corner of it says 20x:

Now tap the button that says shop (on the bottom right corner of the screen) and then tap the button that says defenses. Then tap the cannon. place it so that your base now looks like this:

Now click the attack button and attack the goblin outpost. DO NOT CLICK FIND A MATCH CLICK THIS:

It will bring you to another base that is not yours, deploy troops (by holding down your finger) in-between the two cannons until this message starts rapidly popping up:

Just watch your troops destroy the opponent’s base. Once they are done click return home. Now you can relax for about half of an hour until this next part.

Now since your gold mine and elixir collector have made you some money, tap them to collect it. Now tap shop and then defenses. Buy an archer tower, place it, and configure your base so that it looks like this:

Now upgrade both of your mines. While you are waiting, train some troops in the barracks. Once your mines have been upgraded, tap shop, then resources. Build a new gold mine and a new elixir collector. Upgrade them to level 3.  Now wait two and a half hours, after these two and a half hours, your mines should have 1500 gold/elixir each. Tap one elixir mine and one gold mine.

Now upgrade both of your storages to level 3. If you need more money to do it, just remember that your mines have lots of money in them so you can just tap them and get more money. While waiting, attack the Rocky Fort. Tip: place barbarians near defenses such as cannons and archer towers so that they will destroy them early and get shot and die less.

Now your storages should be full. Train some troops and wait for your storages to be level
two. Also, if you see that this symbol:in the top left side of the screen has a one, tap it and then tap claim reward as soon as you find it. The rewards will give you gems. After all of these steps, arrange your base to  make it look like this:


Now you should attack the Goblin Gauntlet (by tapping attack then attack again). Train some troops right after this.While waiting for your troops to be trained, upgrade both of you gold mines to level 4. While waiting attack Cannonball Run. You probably won’t defeat it but it doesn’t matter. Now since your builders have finished building your gold mines, upgrade your Town Hall, this building in the middle of your base:

Upgrade your barracks as well. If a message shows up when you get on the game that says you were raided, simply tap the big green button at the bottom of the message and tap the gravestones around your base. After this, buy a mortar ( you will have to upgrade your gold storage ) and surround it and your Town Hall with walls. While waiting buy a second army camp. Once it is finished building buy a second barracks. Now upgrade your gold storage to level 5 and your elixir storage to level 4. Once that is done upgrade one of your army camps. With these huge changes your base will be much better. Surround your base with walls in this specific way:

Now upgrade both of your cannons to level 3 and your archer tower to level 2. Then buy a gold and elixir mine and upgrade both of them to level 4. Now upgrade your gold storage to level 6 Now you are done with levels 1-10. Yipeeee!!! More levels coming soon!!! There will also be a strategy guide to so stay tuned!!!